Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I seek you...

I had a friend I got to meet through ICQ. It was actually by accident, when another friend of mine was unaware he was sending me one of his contacts. That was 10 years ago.
His name was Jersey. He is an excellent writer. During the time we were still talking, he was going to publish his book. I never had the confidence to write at that time and I felt guilty when I turned him down when he requested me to write something to be included in his book.
He had his own website, at that time we call it a "homepage." It's full of wonderfully written articles, poems, and journals about anything. Too bad it's not up anymore since he went to UCLA-Berkeley for college.
He was one of the greatest people I've met and a great friend. Whenever I feel down or when I was having a problem, he would send me one of his profound writings as his way to advise or console. His writings were very cathartic and actually inspired me to write as well. Up to now, I still write using "notepad" in Windows just as he did.
I wonder what happened to him after he left. Never heard from him as he stopped using his ICQ account. I wished I knew what was the name of his book...

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